How to clean pocket pussy?

Sometimes I wish I owned a pocket pussy in my teenage. My hand would’ve thanked me for it. Anyhow, pocket pussies are a great way to introduce yourself to a world full of orgasmic miracles that are too great to resist. There are many different names for pocket pussies but call them what you want, they are an excellent source of otherworldly pleasure.

Now that you’re here and reading this kick-ass article, I’m assuming that you already own a pocket pussy of your choice. If you still don’t have one and have landed on this page while researching one, then fear not. I have a detailed list of the best pocket pussies here that I’ve used over the years and have become my favorites when it comes to hands-free entertainment. But before all that, let us discuss how to clean pocket pussy.

Why cleaning is important?

It is all fun and games until your pocket pussy becomes a breeding ground for bacteria so cleaning it is very important. I cannot stress enough the importance of properly cleaning your pocket pussy after you’ve had your fun. I don’t like cumming inside my pocket pussy because I feel that it makes cleaning a bit trickier. But if you like cumming inside your pocket pussy, feel free to do so as I will tell you neat little ways how you can thoroughly clean your pocket pussy and make them last longer.

Pocket pussies can become a great breeding place for bacteria, fungi, and a host of organisms due to the warm humid environment inside. If not properly cleaned, your pocket pussy will soon start to reek and become unusable due to all the gunk that’s going to get trapped inside. I know you don’t feel like doing anything after cumming but the sooner you clean your pocket pussy the better.

How often you should clean it?

The frequency of cleaning your pocket pussy is very important. Generally speaking, you should clean it before and after every use. I know what you’re thinking. If I have cleaned it after my last use, why do I have to clean it before I wank again? Technically there’s no need to clean it before, but personally, I feel that anything I’m sticking my dick into should be clean. Be it a pocket pussy or a real pussy. I shouldn’t tell you the importance of cleaning it afterward. Make sure you get all the cum out and clean it so it doesn’t get sticky for your next use.

How long does pocket pussy last, mainly depends on how much you care about your toy. Now that I’ve stressed the importance of cleaning, here are a few quick and easy techniques for cleaning your pocket pussy so you don’t have to buy one every few months:

Check the material of your pocket pussy

Most pocket pussies are made of TPE (Thermoplastic elastomers) or TPR (Thermoplastic rubber) in order to mimic the feeling of real skin. This material is generally a bit porous so you need to be careful using water to clean it. Some premium pocket pussies are made from medical-grade silicone that is non-porous and required little effort in cleaning. One mistake that I made in my early years of using a pocket pussy was using silicone based lubes that messed with the material so if your pocket pussy is made with common material like TPE or TPR, make sure you always use water-based lubes. Cleaning it is also much easier.

Pocket Pussy material

Check for any damage

I know things can get a little out of hand (pun intended) when using a pocket pussy but make sure you check it for any leakage or damage beforehand. If there’s a tear in the material of your pocket pussy, I would suggest that you change it as soon as possible. It might still be usable but cleaning it would be a nightmare as water would get in all nooks and crannies and it might ruin the experience for you. If you can pinpoint the damage and are sure it won’t cause any problems, you can continue using it. Otherwise, I would suggest you replace it.

Also, check for any discoloration in the sleeve which can be an indication of deteriorating sleeve material or residue buildup in the sleeve. In case any discoloration is observed, I would recommend that you change your toy.

Personally, I’ve only used battery-operated pocket pussies once or twice in my life, but if you have one I would recommend that you take extra care. Cleaning battery-operated pocket pussies are a bit tricky as electrical components have to be saved from water in case your device is not waterproof.

Cleaning process

The cleaning process for most pocket pussies available in the market is pretty standard. There’s no rocket science. Unless your toy is unbelievably futuristic and complex, just follow these easy steps to get a squeaky clean pocket pussy every time.

Start with rinse

The first step is to thoroughly rinse it as soon as possible after use. Use normal or lukewarm water to rinse off any cum inside your pocket pussy. If your toy has a through hole, make sure all the water gets out through that. If there isn’t any open hole, gently split open the mouth of the pocket pussy and rinse off with water. It might feel a bit gross but I usually stick two fingers in and properly clean it. Hey if you can stick your dick in it, you can also stick your fingers in it.

Wash thoroughly

After you’re done rinsing the pocket pussy and all the cum and lube/oil is out, use a gentle soap and water to thoroughly clean your toy. If your pocket pussy sleeve is made from silicon, cleaning is a bit easy as it is non-porous so cum and lube don’t generally penetrate into the pocket pussy. If your toy is made from TPE, you need to be more careful while cleaning and make sure that you get all the edges, corners, and nooks cleaned nicely and shiny.

You can also use any anti-bacterial cleaner available in the market that does not have very strong chemicals. One very important lesson that I learned the hard way is to never ever use harsh chemicals to clean your pocket pussy. These chemicals will completely destroy your toy and frankly speaking, I’m really afraid of sticking my dick in something that might get chemicals on my little friend.

Dry it thoroughly

Now that your pocket pussy is properly rinsed and washed, it’s time to dry it. Bacteria and mold love to grow in damp and warm places and pocket pussies are just the right place. After thoroughly washing your toy, gently shake it to remove any excess water left inside the sleeve. If you still like there’s water inside, use a soft lint-free cloth to gently dry the pocket pussy from the inside.

There have been many times when I was really looking forward to a good wanking session only to stick my dick inside my pocket pussy and find it damp. Totally ruins the moment. I suggest that even after cleaning and drying it with a cloth, you leave your pocket pussy to air dry for a minimum of 2 days so that any chance of bacteria or mold is completely eliminated. Even if after thoroughly drying your toy you still find it damp on the inside, check for any tear in the sleeve or crack in the pocket pussy which might be collecting water.

one important thing that I want to add here is that since I’m not a big fan of battery-operated pocket pussies, the cleaning guide that I have detailed above has been designed keeping in mind simple pocket pussies. Batter-operated pocket pussies or what we commonly refer to as electric pocket pussies that are designed to mimic the sensation of blowjobs are a bit complex to clean since you have to make sure that all the electrical components are not touched by water if your pocket pussy is not completely waterproof.

There’s no pocket pussy in this world that will last you a lifetime. Every device has a shelf life that is bound to end one day and you’ll need to switch your pocket pussy to a new one. So don’t get too attached to your toy. With repeated use, your pussy sleeve might start to wear out and the sensation you get out of it might not be the same. I scoured the internet to find a solution to make it feel like new again.

One of the methods I found on the internet that I’ve used a couple of times is using cornstarch. Simply sprinkle a little cornstarch on the pocket pussy sleeve and make sure it gets in all the curves and nooks. I don’t know the science behind it, but it rejuvenates the pussy sleeve. But if you’re not too sure about using cornstarch, there are renewing powders available in the market. Just like cornstarch, you just sprinkle some on the pussy sleeve and it breathes new life into your pocket pussy. Make sure you get it in really good in all the curves of the sleeve. Here is a detailed guide on how to dry a pocket pussy thoroughly.

Some safety precautions

Pocket pussies are really good fun if maintained correctly. If you have a habit of cumming inside your pocket pussy and not cleaning it afterward, trust me it will go bad really fast. One of the early signs of your pocket pussy going bad is the smell. If it reeks, it means that it has not been cleaned properly and all the lube and cum has piled up inside that is giving the foul smell. If such is the case then try cleaning it thoroughly. If the smell still doesn’t go away, it’s time to toss it in the bin and get a new one.

Before using your pocket pussy, always check for any tear in the pussy sleeve or damage to the toy. Generally speaking, if there’s a tear in the pussy sleeve, chances are that it might get bigger with repeated use and eventually your pocket pussy will be of no use. Another risk these tears in the sleeve pose is that they become breeding grounds for bacteria and mold and water tends to stay in these cracks even after drying.

Always leave your pocket pussy to dry naturally. If needed, only use a lint-free cloth. I know sometimes you really want to get a good wank before bed but your pocket pussy is still drying after the last session so you might be tempted to use other means to dry it. Most people use hair dryers in these situations which is a bad idea. I tried it once and the heat deformed my pocket pussy leaving me with an embarrassing hard-on. Also don’t use boiling hot water to clean it. I know it feels like really hot water cleans it really well but trust me it will ruin the shape of the pocket pussy.


The golden rule of using a pocket pussy is: don’t be a slob. Always try to clean your toy as soon as possible after every use. Take good care of it. If possible, only buy well branded pocket pussies that have a good reputation in the market. Make sure your research is complete before you buy one. If you’re still confused, I have a guide to some of my all-time favorite pocket pussies here. A good branded pocket pussy will easily last you a few years if maintained correctly.

Take care of your pocket pussy and it will take care of you “Wink wink”. I’ve tried to make cleaning your pocket pussy as simple as possible so that it doesn’t feel like a chore. I’m strictly against sharing pocket pussies among friends but if you do so, make sure you thoroughly clean it before and after use you stay clean of any diseases. I will return once again with another guide about how you can get the best out of your pocket pussy and is it worth it to buy a pocket pussy. Till then wank away my friends.
