Does Pocket Pussy Work Under Water?

Pocket pussies have become a popular sex toy across the globe. Their increasing demand has resulted in manufacturers designing and producing different types, shapes, and sizes to suit different tastes and preferences. Pocket pussies are made of materials such as rubber, silicone, and thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) and simulate the feeling of real skin, making them pleasurable to use. They are designed to be used during masturbation or with a partner and offer a variety of sensations that can feel like the real thing.

There are so many ways to use a pocket pussy, some users are curious about whether pocket pussies can be used underwater. To answer does pocket pussy work under water, we need to consider the materials used to make pocket pussies and their properties, and the effect of water on these materials.

Can I use pocket pussy underwater?

The short answer is yes, pocket pussies can technically be used underwater. However, it’s not recommended to do so, and here’s why:

Materials used in Pocket Pussy

As mentioned earlier, pocket pussies are made from materials like rubber, silicone, and TPE. These materials are not designed to withstand the effects of water. The water can cause the material to erode, lose its texture and shape, and discolor over time. In the long run, this could render the toy ineffective and unusable.

Furthermore, some pocket pussies have a motor that powers the toy’s vibrations, and using them underwater might damage the toy because water damages electronic components.


Using a pocket pussy underwater can pose hygiene challenges. Water harbors bacteria and other microorganisms, which can lead to infections. Using a pocket pussy underwater means exposing both the toy and your intimate bits to microorganisms not suited for human ingestion. Drying out the toy completely after using it underwater is also a challenge, and this could lead to mold growth, especially when stored in damp places.

Additionally, using it underwater makes cleaning the pocket pussy a challenge because water pressure doesn’t clean off lubricants and bodily fluids completely. This means there’s a higher likelihood of leftover bacteria growth that can harm you in the long run.

Potential Health Risks

Besides the hygiene concerns mentioned above, using a pocket pussy underwater poses other potential health risks. For example, a toy that is in poor condition due to water damage can cause vaginal or penile damage.

Also, water reduces the natural lubrication in the vagina and can irritate the genitals, leading to dryness and itching. When used underwater, the vagina’s lubrication dries out faster, making the sexual experience painful instead of pleasurable, which defeats the whole purpose of using a toy.

Safety Concerns

Using a pocket pussy underwater comes with safety issues, especially when used in a pool or in the ocean. These environments present risks like drowning or accidental slipping, and the likeliness of sustaining injuries is higher.

Moreover, using toys, especially those with a motorized mechanism, requires you to be fully alert, and accidents can occur when you’re not entirely present, and using them underwater poses an additional distraction.

How does water affect a Pocket Pussy?

As discussed earlier, water has adverse effects on the materials used to make pocket pussies. Long-term use of a toy underwater could cause it to erode, lose its texture and shape, and discolor. These changes could affect the toy’s functionality and make it less pleasurable to use.

Furthermore, if a pocket pussy has a motor powering the vibrations, using it underwater can cause electrical malfunctions. The water also increases the chances of rusting and rust particles sticking onto the toy surface, making its usage uncomfortable.

How does using a pocket pussy underwater affect the user?

Using a pocket pussy underwater affects users in different ways. Some users report experiencing dryness and irritation of the genitals, while others experience discomfort.

Moreover, exposure to the water’s bacteria and microorganisms can cause infections that could be severe, depending on the user’s immune system. These infections not only affect your sexual performance but your overall well-being.


In conclusion, using a pocket pussy underwater might sound like an exciting experience, but it’s not worth the risks involved. It’s not only potentially harmful to both the toy and the user, but it’s also unhygienic.

Water can damage the materials of the toy, cause rusting, and increase the chances of bacterial growth. Additionally, using a pocket pussy underwater can cause infections, genital irritation, and discomfort. Therefore, it’s best to find other safe and hygienic ways of using pocket pussies without having to put yourself at risk.

It’s important to keep in mind that pocket pussies are designed for personal pleasure but should be used with caution. When using a pocket pussy, regardless of whether it’s underwater or not, prioritize safety, hygiene, and personal comfort.


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